
Leonid Hrytsak

Faces / Masks, interactive art installation at CENTQUATRE Paris, August 2022
Ermöglicht durch das Stipendienprogramm des Freistaats Bayern JUNGE KUNST UND NEUE WEGE / Photo: F. Windolf ©

Die Serie FACES vereint inhaltlich zahlreiche soziale und wissenschaftliche Felder wie Medizin, Physik, Politik, Religion, Psychologie, Philosophie, Semantik, Architektur, Musik und Modedesign. Es wurde für Paris eine Auswahl von 18 Faces / Masks getroffen, die ein breites Spektrum an Form- und Bildsprachen repräsentieren, zum Beispiel Märchenmotive, Junge Wilde, Minimalismus und Surrealismus. Auch bei der Auswahl der Präsentations-Orte war mir wichtig, dass diese unterschiedliche Charaktere, Kontexte und Exklusivität aufweisen. Während das Centre Pompidou eine institutionellen Kunst-Raum darstellt, mischen sich im Cent Quatre öffentlicher und institutioneller Raum. Les Halles ist ein öffentlicher Platz, der durch alltägliches Stadtleben und Street Art-Aura perfekt zu meiner Arbeit passt. Cent Quatre hat sich für mein Unternehmen als besonders geeignet herausgestellt, da dieser zur freien künstlerischen Nutzung bestimmter Flächen ohne vorherige Anmeldung einlädt und so spontane Interaktionen zwischen Kreativen zwanglos ermöglicht.

FACES, art installation and performance at CENTQUATRE Paris, August 2022 / Video: F. Windolf ©

FACES, interactive art installation at CENTQUATRE Paris, August 2022

FACES, interactive art installation at CENTQUATRE Paris, August 2022

FACES, interactive art installation at Centre Pompidou Paris, August 2022

FACES, interactive art installation at Centre Pompidou Paris, August 2022

FACES, interactive art installation at Centre Pompidou Paris, August 2022

FACES, interactive art installation at Centre Pompidou Paris, August 2022

FACES, interactive art installation at Pont Marie, Paris, August 2022

FACES, interactive art installation at Pont Marie, Paris, August 2022

FACES, interactive art installation at Les Halles, Paris, August 2022

FACES, interactive art installation at Les Halles, Paris, August 2022

FACES / Facial Walk, July 2020. Broadway, NYC, USA

FACES / Facial Walk, July 2020. Broadway, NYC, USA

FACES / Facial Walk, 2014. Madison Ave, NYC, USA

365 FACES, 2020. New Jersey/New York, USA

365 FACES, 2020. Helmet video projection. United Nations Plaza, NYC, USA

365 FACES, 2020. Helmet video projection. MoMa PS1, NYC, USA

365 FACES, 2020. Helmet video projection. United Nations Plaza, NYC, USA

ON FACES / Statement, 2020. NJ, USA

ON Faces / Statement, 2020. NJ, USA

365 FACES / CLICK ME / #1460. Material: dig. photograph, sharpened steel, magnets. USA, 2020  

FACES / THE / THANKS YOU ALL. Material: ceramic, steel. USA, 2020

CHAIR FOUNTAIN, 2019. Sculpture in public space. New Jersey, USA.
Material: aluminum, water pump, timer. Music: "See You". Musician: @iksonofficial
The perforated aluminum chair acts as a fountain. Eruption time: 4sec.

Locker, 2020. MGSA Galleries. NJ, USA

FRANCIS & BENEDICT REUNITED, Goethe-Institute. Munich, Germany 2012-2017.

Two life-size dolls of the recent pope couple dressed up as normal civilians. The St Francis doll is exceptionally bendable and can be used for almost all kinds of events such as party, funeral or common daily life scene. Nevertheless, he needs personal support in order to stand, lay down, fight, dressed up etc.




BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL / Putin (DOLL) & OLGA performing with KRIS at AdbK, 2013

BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL / PUTIN (DOLL) & OLGA performing with KRIS at AdbK, Munich 2013

Beyond Good and Evil / PUTIN (DOLL) & OLGA performing with KRIS at AdbK, Munich 2013

DON'T BE AFRAID - YOU'RE ALREADY DEAD, 2016       Photo: Thomas Hauzenberger

DON'T BE AFRAID - YOU'RE ALREADY DEAD, 2016 / In cooperation with Godmother AK Kris, Dr. Karl DWorsky, Alexander Milstein, Felix Noe, Tung Tran and others
Politique Accessoire & Pledoyer by Dr. Karl Dworsky.
Gallery FOE 156. Munich, Germany

POLITICAL ROMANCE, / Putin, St.Francis, Kris. 2016. Munich, Germany

WHITE ROSE, 2017. Weisse Rose Stiftung / LMU. Munich, Germany

OH MY W.T.O. / material: wood, styrophoam, rescue blanket. Annual Show 2010, Munich, Germany


1986 - born in Dubno, Ukraine
2008-2012 Academy of Fine Arts. Munich, Germany
2018-2020 - MFA / Rutgers University, Mason Gross School of the Arts, NJ, USA.                    

2008 - Bavarian public scholarship, Germany
2010 - Scholarship, HfG Karlsruhe, Germany
2012 - DAAD, Germany / USA

2022 - 365 Faces, interactive art installation at CENTQUATRE, Paris August 2022.
2022 - 365 Faces, interactive art installation at The Centre Pompidou, Paris August 2022.  
2020 - 365 Faces, video projection in public space. MoMa PS1, Long Island City, NY, USA
2020 - 365 Faces, Video projection in public space. United Nations Plaza, NYC, USA
2019 - Faces, 2019. Art in public space. NYC, USA
2018 - White Rose. Video projection in public space. LMU. Munich, Germany
2017 - Political Games, performance in public space. HVB bank. Berlin, Germany
2017 - Rotating Objects, video projection in open space. Berlin, Germany
2017 - Lennox Lewis vs Hug, HD-video projection in public space. Munich, Germany  
2017 - Merkel Living Real Life. Munich, Germany  
2016 - Political Party at Von Weech. Munich, Germany
2016 - Facial Talk, art in open space. Central Station Munich, Germany
2016 - White Rose, videoprojection in open space. Munich, Germany
2016 - Political Romance, performance. Gallery Easy!upstream. Munich, Germany
2016 - Recommended. Gallery Easy!upstream. Munich, Germany
2016 - Don´t Be Afraid, You are Already Dead, Gallery FOE. Munich, Germany
2015 - Nothing, Hephaistos. Gallery PunktPunktKommaKunst. Munich, Germany
2015 - Artists on Trial. District Court Munich, Germany
2015 - Going Professionally Now, BBK Munich, Germany
2015 - Ysenburgstr. 9, Gallery Kunsthandeln. Munich, Germany
2014 - Fundamentally Failed Artists & Esthetic of Excess.
              Curated by Sophia Suessmilch and Jörn Blachnitzky. Vienna, Austria
2014 - Amalien Str. 25 80333 Munich, Germany
2014 - Gallery Kunsthandeln. Munich, Germany
2014 - Studio Redhook, Brooklyn, NYC, USA
2014 - Tacker, BBK. Munich, Germany
2014 - Gallery Autonomica, Stadtmuseum, Munich, Germany
2013 - Group exhibition, GABI BLUM & ANNA MCCARTHY II : NA-EN-DE-NA-EN-DE-                                                          
              NA-WI-DA : II, Schaustelle. Munich, Germany



Leonid Hrytsak  

Studium an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste in München
ab 2006. Klasse Prangenberg.

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am 19.03.2023.

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